Sunday, April 29, 2007

Computer Audio: Audition 3 in the works and an audio forensics wish list

First it was a rumor and now it is confirmed - Adobe Audition 3 is in development and Adobe plans to announce more about it later this year. A search of their web site didn't yield any additional details but there is a post on Hart Shafer's blog (Hart's Audition) that confirms it and mentions that it is on a different schedule than the rest of their Creative Suite. Hart Shafer is the product manager for Adobe's studio products, which includes Audition.

Admittedly, audio forensics is a small, niche market away from their core customer base, but if we are lucky, our needs will overlap the needs of their studio customers and a fine product will become even more useful to us. From a forensics point of view, here are the things that I have on my wish list:
  • Improve support for working with multi-channel WAV files that are not intended for surround sound, including easy trimming of multiple channels and saving, for starters.
  • Speed up loading of large multi-channel files
  • Improve the spectrogram interface to allow easy and accurate display and analysis of specific frequencies.
  • Include an option to decrease the streamlining (in other words, an "option to allow more options")
If you have anything to add to the list, just email me (link found on right side, near the top - don't forget to remove the anti-spam text!) or post a comment.


Anonymous said...

How about a logging feature that is customisable, to allow for the recording of processes and details such as the settings on filters used in a job. It could then be exported to a Word file.

Keith said...

Excellent suggestion, Nic. Logging (or "audit trail", as it is also called) is a feature that is very useful to forensic examiners. In my experience, however, software applications typically turn this into more of a scripting tool instead of what we think of as "logging" for documenting our restoration, enhancement, rendering, and duplication process. Do you have any examples of a commercial studio application that does logging the way you would like it done?