Thursday, October 04, 2007

Noise: Learning problems associated with noise

The issue of noise in everyday life seems to be getting more and more attention from health advocates and researchers.  The latest thing I've come across is this medical news report on schools and noise.  It struck home with me because my wife and I just recently toured an elementary school where the cafeteria was so reverberant that it was uncomfortable and even painful to be anywhere in it.  I didn't have a sound pressure meter with me, but it was easily in the 90+ dB SPL-A range.  My ears are not as young as they used to be, as they say, so I could not tolerate it for long.  I think that we will be hearing more and more about this type of thing (pun intended) and, as far as I am concerned, that is a good thing.

(Source: Medical News Today)

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